Sewer Inspection
GoPro Technology
Screws on Jetter Hose the Same as Cleaning Nozzle
The price makes it affordable enough to put on every cleaning truck or trailer jetter to capture GoPro quality, high-value sewer video inspection of pipe condition.
With its Simplicity and Rugged Design, Using GoPro Technology and Features, GP Sewer Cam Brings You Critical Information About Pipe Condition.
When the crew worker in the field can see what he’s jetting all by himself using GoPro technology and smartphone, he can make smarter choices and instantly text or email footage to the supervisor and complete more jobs, faster.
The General Purpose Sewer Cam was developed to be a simple, rugged and cost effective Right-Away Tool for use on every jetting truck and trailer jetter in the field. The operational advantages of the design easily returns the original investment plus time and labor savings to municipal operating budgets. For independent contractors such as plumbers, and private jetting companies, The General Purpose Sewer Cam is a must-have tool for diagnosis, verification and documentation of all jobs.
Operational Benefits
*Click to play video on the GP Sewer Cam.
*Click to play video on the GP Sewer Cam.
TecSolutions Consultants is a valued supplier to the utility locating and leak detection industry in the Southwest.
If you have any questions, please call TecSolutions Consultants today at 602-830-9400. For your convenience, click here to get a free quote from this site.
Thank you for your interest in TecSolutions Consultants. We look forward to serving you in the near future.
Products Available: Pipe & Cable Locators, Leak Detection, Ground Penetrating Radar GPR, Drain & Sewer Line Jetting, Inspection Cameras, Sonde, Conduit Rodders, and Utility Management Marking Equipment.
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